Neil Darby

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Ingol & Tanterton Learn more

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Tory Council Tax cut to benefit the wealthiest in Lancashire

by neildarby on 22 February, 2013

At yesterday’s annal Budget Meeting of Lancashire County Council, Cllr Geoff Driver unexpectedly announced a 2% Council Tax cut, thereby reducing the council’s available resources by £7.34m  for 2013-14 and in future years.

“Given that we face massive budget cuts in the next four years, amounting to £250m, 28% of resources, this is downright irresponsible” said  Liberal Democrat group leader County Cllr Bill Winlow“ who branded the move “blatant electioneering for which we will all eventually have to pay”

He said: “The big issue is that by cutting council tax like this, you end up creating a hole in future years which you have to somehow fill. In a few years time, we are probably going to have to start putting up council tax rather more than one would have expected. This sum of money would have been better spent on services to vulnerable people in Lancashire and makes most difference to those in larger houses who least need it. The average Band D tax payer will gain less than 50p per week” concluded Cllr Winlow.

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